Alexandra Grounds Champagne Backpack

Alexandra Grounds Champagne Backpack

Product development favors the bold. Taking an idea out of your head and into real life is extremely challenging and requires more patients than most people have. Working in 3D printing means we get to work an outsized number of these trailblazers.


Number of design iterations

9 Months

Lead time


Champagne bottle used in testing

A physical and functional piece of art.

When people ask what's the coolest project we've worked on, we can now confidently say "a rocket ship champagne backpack". This product idea came from the mind of a brilliant artist who was looking to create a physical and functional piece of art. The process started with merging two CAD designs and then steadily refining the concept to prepare it for manufacturing. There were several rounds of prototyping and many hours spent crafting non-3D printed elements. Our portion of the work ended with the preparation of design for manufacturing guidelines and design patent drawings that were submitted to the USPTO. The client is now in the manufacturing phase.

Process: FDM, SLA
Material: PLA, ABS, transparent resin
Color: Red, white, blue, clear, metallic
Software: Rhino, Blender, Solidworks, Autodesk Netfabb, Prusaslicer

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